Sunday Shoutout: Me Edition


Credit: Niall McNeill
CC BY-SA 2.0
In a few minutes, I'm going to login to Facebook for the first time since Ash Wednesday. In the broad scheme of things, I know that there are much more important things to consider giving up and that there are people who made real life changes during this time that not only helped in their personal lives but in the world. I don't think my little Lent observance did anything like that, but I did experience a certain freeness from disengaging Facebook for a while. I made it through Lent without Facebook and I am pretty pleased with myself, so this Sunday shout out goes to me. I suppose what was most important to me, was that I continue my pursuit of a more disciplined life. I enjoy Facebook. I enjoy reading what people are doing and hearing their thoughts on TV, Music, politics, whatever.

Going forward, I'd like Facebook to be something that I check in on a couple of times a day, rather than something that is always on my computer screen. I don't have enough Facebook friends to warrant that type of devotion anyhow.

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Valerie said...

first cup of coffee in a month-

minus a couple cheats in AA meetings.

way to go, bro..

Brian said...

Thanks for the positive reinforcement, Russ!

Don't know if I'm ready to try coffee.