Mesta Festa 2010


Yesterday, there were three different neighborhood festivals in the area. Somewhat in the spirit of Sukkoth, we walked to Mesta Festa to enjoy the food, music and playground. I'll tell you what I like about the Mesta Park neighborhood: the sidewalks. Most of the sidewalks are new and have on/off ramps at the curb so I didn't have to Dukes of Hazzard the stroller all that often. Plus, the sidewalks that weren't new were still nice and level. Prior to moving to Vienna, we rented in Mesta Park and loved it. When we were house shopping last spring, we tried to move back into Mesta Park, but it was just too expensive. We did walk by our old place, though. It was a little strange--one of those things that feels like a dream, like it didn't really happen.

Big Truck Tacos was there and, after months of raving from my sister, Gretchen and I thought we better give it a try. It was good. It wasn't live-up-to-the-hype-good (sorry, Jess), but it was good. The we walked passed a few of the artist booths and headed for the playground, but the playground only lasted for a few minutes before a band started to play. THe Queen Bee couldn't help herself--the girl loves music--so she just started dancing around the jungle gym, but she'd get a confused look on her face as she was unsure if she should be dancing in the play area. We walked over to where the band was playing and she intently watched the entire set...until the last two or three songs when she couldn't take it anymore and had to get up and run in circles amongst the Festa participants.

We had a really good time and it was a great evening for a Fest! Now, if we just had some friends to go with...

Maybe the Big Truck is better at their locale.

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BreaktheSky said...

What did you try? The pork gordito and and crispycado are the best.

Brian said...

I can't remember the name, but it was a spicy chicken taco.

Unknown said...

If only it was closer to our neighborhood.

Brian said...

you'd have most certainly been a welcome addition.