I found myself in a Rolling Stones mood this week, listening indepthly to Exile on Main Street, my favorite Stones's album. Perhaps that shows, as my two favorite songs by the Stones are off Exile on Main Street. I've had an exhausting week, so I'm not going to make any individual comments. I'm just going to list the songs.
5. 2000 Man (from Their Satanic Majesties Request)
4. Some Girls (from Some Girls)
3. Bitch (from Sticky Fingers)
2. Rocks Off (from Exile on Main St.)
1. Rip This Joint (from Exile on Main St.)
For years my favorite song by the Stones was Beast of Burden and while it hasn't fallen out of favor with me, I've just grown to appreciate other songs so much more. Also, I should note that, other than "2000 Man", Their Satanic Majesties Request is a dreadful album.
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