W. On the Job


If you know me, you know that I am not a fan of George W. Bush. I can't think of any politician of whom I am a fan, though. President W. Bush just holds a special place in the catacombs of my contempt because he was so incredibly horrible. I expect politicians to be corrupt, and I believe wholeheartedly that W. Bush was as corrupt as a person can be and still not be Stalin. I just don't expect for a politician to be corrupt and horrible.

Well, I'm not writing this because of the need to beat a dead horse--I know that's a cliche, but it's a cliche so good that I don't mind that it's cliche--but TEXTI read an article today about how Republicans currently running for office are not seeking W. Bush's aide or endorsement. We could speculate endlessly about why Republicans are avoiding W. Bush. He ended his presidency tremendously unpopular. The Downing Street Memo (et al) didn't reflect positively on the integrity of his administration. He often confuses nouns and verbs.

More than those things, I just think people are afraid of what this guy might say. I've never seen a politician with more reckless abandon behind the podium than W. Bush. This guy delivers a speech the way Troy Polamalu delivers a sack. Honestly, even if W. had really high approval ratings at the end of his term as President, no one would seek out this guy for help in their campaign. Besides, who wants a stupid nickname like Turd Blossom?

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Unknown said...

I agree with the horrible wholeheartedly. G.W. was and continues to be an embarrassment, an utter irredeemable shame on our country. Though I don't disagree with the corruption charge, I cannot grant it the same unarguable status on semantic grounds: I am not sure that a person of severely sub-standard intelligence can, by definition, be corrupt.

It is possible that he is not an actual idiot . . . there have been good arguments that say that the stupid was a façade, a carefully crafted persona. So, in terms of culpability and in terms of corruption, the question is: was G.W. an idiot, or did he just play one in DC?

Brian said...

Is Michael Scott some kind of secret genius? Sometimes, I say crazy things.

Can an idiot be corrupt? I'll have to think on this.