Top 5 Friday: The Office (U.S.)


It's a Top 5 Friday, everyone! Today I list my all-time favorite episodes of The Office!

5. Goodbye, Toby--Season 4 of The Office is an acquired taste. I was really disappointed when I first watched it, but with a little patience and a little time, I have found some real gems. This episode is one of them. Dwight's prank on Holly, the new HR representative, is perfect and what makes this episode great.

4. The Coup--A Season 3 classic, "The Coup" is written by Paul Lieberstein--my favorite writer on the show (he also wrote "Goodbye, Toby"). Dwight makes a move for Michael's job as regional manager of Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch.

3. Diversity Day--B.J. Novak wrote this season 1 episode that contains my all-time favorite Office line: "Abraham Lincoln once said that, if you're racist, I will attack you with the north." If I remember correctly, though, B.J. attributes this line to the marvelous Paul Lieberstein. I'll check the DVD commentary on this episode to make sure.

2. The Deposition--This was the only episode of season 4 that I liked the first time I saw it. One of the greatest episodes of any television program ever. Sorry, "Lucy Does a TV Show" (A.K.A. "Vitametavegamin"), this is is much better than you could ever dream of being...but you're still pretty awesome, too.

1. The Client--It's easy to fill a top 5 of only season 2 episodes. I had to show restraint in not picking more season 2 episodes because it's so good. A complete thought much like seasons 4 & 7 of Seinfeld. But, I limited myself to only this one episode, which is intesting when you consider that I have two season 4 episodes, which is really inferiour television. Oh well. Maybe I'll have to revise that in the future. I've watched "The Client" more than any other Office episode. It cracks me up every time.

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