I'm not sure why, but I found myself being uninterested in football this year. I watched a couple of OU games. I watched quite a few games of the Ravens. I didn't watch any bowl games. Although I did enjoy the Super Bowl yesterday, I remained uncommitted to either team. I cheered for the Packers for no good reason. The Steelers have some of the funnest players to watch in a football game. There are few players as exciting to watch as Hines Ward, Troy Polamalu and Ben Roethlisberger, but I guess I was just ready to see Aaron Rodgers win the big one.
Like a lot of people, I've been sick of Brett Favre these few years, but I didn't sense any feeling of poetic justice on my part due to the Packers's victory sans Favre. I've heard a lot of people express this though. Favre probably didn't think it possible for the Packers to win without him. I guess I just felt sorry for him more than anger. I think Favre has some lingering addiction issues (most likely) and used his retirements (or speculation over his potential retirement) to satisfy a need for affirmation. But, I'm no psychologist.
I'm just glad it's over. Football, I mean. I'm not sure why. I just didn't enjoy it like I usually do. Maybe it's just too much of a commitment for a relatively new father.
I am looking forward to baseball, though. Come on, Cards, sign Pujols soon!
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