Review: No Country for Old Men


I've seen the Coen Brothers film based upon this book several times and, for the most part, enjoyed it, and I'd say that, just as the movie is worth seeing, so the book is worth reading. The movie and book are nearly identical: almost all of the movie's dialogue is lifted directly from the book. Sometimes, this is annoying. I just wanted to read the book, not read the movie. I'm not really sure why McCarthy doesn't use quotation marks or other punctuation, such as the question mark. It can be difficult to follow dialogue because of this.

There's not a lot I can write on this book. I like it. It's a lot like the movie. You do get a little backstory to the characters that isn't in the movie, which is nice. I think The Road is a better book.

I did read this book on my iPad Kindle app--checked out through the local library. I'm slowly getting more accustomed to reading on the iPad. It still can't compete with holding an actual, real book. But, it is nice that I have access to so many free books no matter where in the world I might be (as long as there's wifi). Last week, we traveled to Orlando with Gretchen's family and I was able to read three books during that time: No Country for Old Men, All the Pretty Horses (also by McCarthy) and The Reader (by Schlink). I read a paperbound copy of The reader, but the two McCarthy books were digital. I'll try to write a little about the other books soon.

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