I really enjoy blogging, and judging from the feedback I receive, two other people enjoy my blogging as well. Recently I began using the Blogsy app on my iPad. The Blogger interface provides limited features when it is used on an iPad, but Blogsy allows me ease of composing, posting, and the easy inclusion and manipulation of media, such as video and pictures. I really like this app.But, last week I was editing a post--a review of Ian McEwan's book Solar--when Blogsy crashed. Now, Blogsy is a very stabile application and this was the first time it had ever crashed; all apps crash from time to time. When I restarted Blogsy, my post was gone. I was really disheartened because I had put a lot of work into that post and felt like I had written a really good book review--so good, in fact, that I haven't bothered to try and recreate it.
I emailed the people at Blogsy, went out to take care of some errands, and when I returned home I had a response from the CEO and founder of Fomola, the company responsible for Blogsy, Lance Barton. He was very understanding and sympathetic about my frustration and assured me that they were working on this problem. In fact, the problem of lost blog posts was already corrected and the app's update was waiting on Apple's approval. Sure enough, last night before I went to bed, there was a Blogsy update in the app store.I liked Blogsy before this update, but now I have not even a single complaint.
So this Sunday Shout Out goes to Lance Barton and the people at Fomola for not only creating a great app for bloggers, but also for providing great customer service!
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.