I read several interesting articles and blog posts this last week and thought I'd share them here with faithful and constant readers...because I know you all come here for the news...and to talk about the issues. If there is one thing I really want to address as a blogger, it's the issues. Here's a shout out to good blog posts. These all happen to be political in nature--that's purely coincidental.
"Don't Betray Us, Barack--End the Empire" by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick--I thought this was an interesting perspective comparing President Obama's political approach to that of President Clinton's political approach--and asking him (Obama) to consider Mikhail Gorbachev as a model.
"Obama, Bush, Clinton: Who's Worst on the Deficit?" by Emi at moveon.org--This is just a chart that analyzes the growth of the U.S. national debt. Apparently, the debt grows less during a democratic presidency than under a republican presidency, but it still grows!
"Nine Tax Facts Hardly Anyone Knows" by David Cay Johnston--This is an article from the Oklahoma Gazette, the weekly independent paper in Oklahoma City (I'm sure there's more than one, I just don't read any others). I was actually quite familiar with some of these tax facts, so I guess that makes me a smarty pants.
"In Okla., a Beneficiary Sours on Federal Spending" by Michael A. Fletcher--My home state would prefer less government, even though the government is a huge contributor to our state economy and an employer of many Oklahoma citizens. I think the idea of smaller government is always seductive, but then you think about how many friends and neighbors have found a livelihood through government employment. Smaller Government becomes a lot more problematic in my mind.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.