
- Brian
- I went out there in search of experience To taste and to touch and to feel as much As a man can before he repents.
“There’s been some talk that the military is fine with having same-sex orientation people. But if you really surveyed the combat troops, that is not at all the case.”Also, Huckabee stated:
“And when the soldiers in the foxholes make the decisions, they choose something different — and we should listen to them.”What I find interesting is that, for Huckabee, there is no concern about discriminatory policy. And, if the soldiers "in the foxholes" want a discriminatory policy in place, then who are we to talk about right and wrong? Who are we to talk about the ideals of our nation? Huckabee is a social conservative--a Christian at that. It is superfluous, I suppose, to say that he disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle. It seems Mike Huckabee has found others (in the military) who also disagree with the homosexual lifestyle and he is reinforcing his opinion with their opinion to state that he was right all along.