Yesterday was just one of those days where things seemed hectic. It wasn't a bad day, but it never felt right. The Queen Bee spent a significant portion of the day asserting her autonomy, which means I spent a significant portion of the day emphasizing the boundaries: don't chase the dog with your bicycle; don't climb on the table; please put your shirt back on. Those type of things. It makes for an exasperating day. In addition to that, I just didn't feel like I accomplished anything. I didn't get the house cleaned. I didn't read my book. I didn't write anything (other than a blog post). I didn't work out. All the the things that give me a sense of accomplishment through the day, none them happened.
But, nearly every night I put the Queen Bee to bed. I usually turn on my iPod and she cuddles up next to me and everything else is worthless to me. The day is perfect. She doesn't like to go to bed, but once the lights are out she doesn't put up much of a fight. She's sweet and loving and just wants me to be close to her as she falls asleep, which is exactly where I want to be as she falls asleep.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.