Wiener Träume


We've been back in the States for over one year and I think that we've adjusted quite well. The first six months were tough just because my brain still located my self in Vienna. If I needed to go to the store, I'd think of the route from our apartment to Merkur in Vienna, not the route from our house to Wal-Mart. One of the biggest challenges has been the loss of identity. We've had to realign our lives around different things; we'd spent six years focused on all thing Vienna!

I'd say that, for two months now, Vienna has been thoroughly in the past. The last time Gretchen and I really talked about it was on Valentine's Day. I suppose that's a good thing--there isn't a point in not moving on. When that Oklahoma heat sets in around July, I suspect I really miss Vienna, but for now, it's nice to see that part of my life loosening its grip on my thoughts. It is over, after all.
Sunset - July 25, 2009

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