For years, I've used the Firefox browser primarily because of the Zotero add-on. But, since I'm now doing the majority of my computing from an iPad, Firefox is not an option. Only Apple's browser Safari is available on iPad, as far as I know. In any event, Firefox is not available on iPad and it is the only browser on which Zotero runs. Zotero is a tool to document and store research and, while I'm not currently enrolled in school, most of what I do seems to transpire through my mind in a research oriented fashion; I use Zotero to keep track of things I'm thinking about, writing about, or things in which I am otherwise interested.
Last week I started using Evernote as an alternative to Zotero. Since I'm not actually writing research papers, I don't need the annotation features of Zotero. I just need a place to store and categorize the things that I'm studying. Evernote seems to serve that purpose well enough. Plus, Evernote has applications for iPad, Mac OS, Windows, and a web application, all of which will grant you access to your Evernote account. That's kind of cool.
However, I am unable to log in to the web app on my iPad. When I click the "sign in" button it sends me to the Evernote iPad application, which doesn't currently offer all of the features of the web application. As far as I can tell, in order to add to your Evernote from an iPad, you email links to your Evernote account. I basically just need a place to save and categorize the things I want to read on the internet and I think that Evernote will be good enough. Not as good as Zotero, but good enough.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.